
Showing posts from January, 2014

Take up Your Cross DAILY

  “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me ." Friday, January 31, 2014 Speaker: Pep Santos Subject: Jan 31 - Morning Light Let's have a quick recap. How do we follow Jesus' footsteps again?    1. deny yourself    2. take up your cross daily    3. follow Jesus  Now, we will try to understand what "take up your cross DAILY" means, and how Matthew, Mark and Luke's versions differ. Before TL Pep (I use to call him TL Pep, simply because he's a Team Leader) started our today's lesson, he asked us, "What comes into your mind each time you see a cross?" I and the rest of the BPO Ministry gave the following answers: God's love, grace, forgiveness, gift from God, faith, salvation, Jesus, sacrifice... All these answers are music to our ears. In short, everything TODAY is ok because Jesus already died for us so our past, present and future sins are forgiven. In Jesus ...

Deny Yourself

Friday, January 24, 2014 Speaker: Pep Santos Subject: Jan 24 - Morning Light “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me ." How many followers do you have on Twitter? How many do you follow on FaceBook? Are you one of Jesus' few followers? What does it take to follow Jesus? Following Jesus' footsteps requires three things:       1. deny yourself ,       2. take up your cross daily,      3. follow Jesus Let's talk first of what "denying ourselves" mean. There's what we call shallow denial: objects, hobbies, pastimes, food, marriage, etc. Well, those are the easy ones. If that's the case, is it really that easy to follow Jesus? What does DENYING OURSELVES really means?  First, we must deny ourselves of SIN . Repentance, it is. And repentance is a two-way process: first we turn away from sins, second is we turn to God.  Second, we must de...

A Place to Live, a Place for You --- MEGAWORLD at The Fort

First of, I would like to say super thank you to +Mamanee San Luis   for making me aware of this occasion.  me and chaynee ( mamanee ) That was my first time to attend blogger’s event. Chaynee, who is a friend of mine for more than 5 years, invited me. Since I was new to this, I kept copying whatever she was doing – I took photos of the spots that she also took photos of, I went to corners where she went, I shook hands with people she shook her hands with, and greeted only those people she greeted, ate what she ate, and funny thing is, I even got same prize that she got during the raffle. Lols. That was the innocent in me speaking. Anyway, let’s just forget the nonsense thingies and focus on what really matters. We took a cab from Eastwood City going to McKinley Hill. No traffic. And even though we didn’t know where Information Center is, we didn’t have hard time searching for the place --- first because when we entered McKinley Hi...

Am I Commandeered by God?

Friday, January 17, 2014 Speaker: Emmanuel Manansala Subject: Jan 17 - Morning Light For the last two weeks, we have learned that in order to be victorious, we have to be CONNECTED to God and CONFIDENT with God. This time, we'll figure out if we are COMMANDEERED by God, and if not, then HOW? "We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments." (1 John 5:2 NLT) Jesus gave us the power to say NO to sin and obey His commandments. All we have to do is to believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and accept Him as our King and Savior. For those who did, death is already dead --- we look forward to eternal life. "Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome." (1 John 5:3 NLT) If we obey, our burdens are lifted. Loving God = obeying God = being commandeered by God. None of His orders would make things heavy, rather, they are burden buster. Troubles would seem light...

My Life was 180 deg Changed

My goal is not to boast, but to inspire; not for hypocrisy, but to glorify Thee. And yeah, I’ve already examined my heart before writing this blog. I’m overwhelmed and want to shout to the world how sovereign Jesus is, and how He changed my life 180 degrees . First fasting ever in my life. Saturday morning, I was too excited --- to the extent that I became afraid of my real intent. I was anxious that my heart isn’t right. I was troubled that I had the wrong motive. I told my friend Carrieh about it. She comforted me and said that we will be led by Pastor Peter during the Fasting Week Introduction (we attended the 3PM service in CCF Main so it was Pastor Bong), and that we have this booklet as our guide. Sunday service came. During Praise & Worship, I felt how faithful God is with His promises. I reminisced and realized how blessed I am for getting to know Him --- but I want to know more, I want to learn more, I don’t want to be stagnant, I want to continue to ...

Confidence with God

Friday, January 10, 2014 Speaker: Emmanuel Manansala Subject: Jan 10 - Morning Light Are you under an evil boss? Are you in an evil relationship? Do you have an evil friend? How do you think would you be able to overcome evil things around you? How can we be victorious? “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too. We know we love God’s children if we love God and obey his commandments. Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God.” (1 John 5:1-5 NLT) If we don’t have a relationship with God, we will always be a loser. We have to have confidence that we are connected to Him. But how do we know if we have a relationship with God? Are we conf...

Am I Connected to God?

Friday, January 3, 2014 Speaker: Emmanuel Manansala Subject: Jan 3 - Morning Light How was your 2013? Was it your worst year ever? Or could you say that your 2013 was the best so far? Or it could have been better? Are you confident for year 2014? Was it a victorious year? God wants us to be victorious in all aspects. Even if you think that you're physically or emotionally victorious, everything will come to waste if you're not spiritually victorious. Before you can be victorious outside, you have to be victorious inside. God wants us to be victorious. God wants us to overcome - our job, our horrible bosses, our debts, everything. it's impossible for you to overcome the world if you don't have relationship with God. Go ask yourself this question, " Am I connected to God ?" who are the children of God? Through Jesus alone, yes we have the right to be God's children. ... only through Jesus When we encounter hardships, we ten...

my 1st Friday for 2014

After 8-hour work, Morning Light, few hours with my sister Beging and her boyfriend Dakkie, quiet time .... And now, it's exactly 4pm then i gotta wake up at 7:30pm to meet my friends. Then work again later at 1am. I thank God for my job, for Pastor Manny, for Reja, for my Morning Light friends, for my family and ofcourse I thank God for the strength He provides so i can spend quality time with all of them. my Morning Light family Oh, how i love my first Friday of 2014...! Like my page.