
Showing posts from July, 2016

How I Make Worklife Easier

TGIF – Thank God it’s Friday! This is if you’re rest days fall on a weekend, haha! Mine does. But I praise God more for Mondays, PGIF yeah! I am always excited to go to work. Yes sometimes it’s stressful, there are times that I wanted my shift to just end, but still I praise God I have job. By the way, I work as a supervisor in one of the call center companies in Eastwood, Quezon City. And as we all know, this type of job in this industry is really, really exhausting for most. But there are lot of things though that make me enjoy and lessen worklife stress and hassle. Before leaving home, I see to it that my relationship with my family is okay – I don’t want to go to work with burden in my heart. So if there are misunderstandings, I see to it that they will be fixed before I step out of my house. That way, I can focus with my job rather than spending my time thinking of how my family feels while I am away. Time spent with my friends, yes, time well spent. I love going out ...

Indeed I AM FREE

With my years of serving Jesus, this is the 3 rd time that I attended a True Life retreat in CCF. God never failed to amaze me… I remember it was November 2013 when I publicly declared my faith in God in AUX True Life retreat. It felt great. By that time, I have already quit drinking and smoking, which I tried several times with my own strength but I failed. When my DGroup started to pray about it, in an instant, the addiction that I was enslaved with for more than 5 years disappeared by God’s grace. No withdrawal syndrome, I didn’t get sick, no negative effect on me. God is indeed good. So again, yeah almost 3 years ago when I got baptized. It was Pep Santos, the head of Morning Light – BPO Ministry in CCF Eastwood, who baptized me. I remember one of the three questions was if I have ALREADY accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. He didn’t ask if I would like to, and so I said YES because in my heart, I knew I did. Couple of days before that, we had a DGroup meet...

Chapter 1: Why is there a man, and he's not mine?

Chapter 1 March 6, 2014 I, too, had a dog Orpah. Maybe it’s common for single ladies? Since we can’t have children of our own, we will either spend our time with our nieces and nephews or just adopt a dog. We had dogs in the family, but my first dog ever, who really was mine, was Kenshin…. I love Kenshin so much. I love him to the extent that when he got sick and died, I had a big issue with forgiveness. I got a little too hard with his veterinarian. I couldn’t accept the fact that he died in spite of my overly caring “me”. The vet did not really explain how and why, or maybe she did but I was too close-minded that I didn’t understand. When Kenshin died, my world crashed. I wrote a blog about Kenshin, and my love for him.  ***  Kenshin's Timeline “Why can’t a man like him be mine?” Believe me, that was one of my questions, too. And I can relate to you when you said, “Maybe it was too painful to accept that my heart was ready to love; yet there was no man to give m...

Yes I am Single, and Blessed

I had my 1st boyfriend when i was in 1st year high school. It lasted for only a month. And after that, it became my hobby to jump in and out of relationships to the point that i can no longer remember the number of boys that I’ve hurt intentionally. Having a guy beside me made me feel secured and beautiful. October 2005, i was diagnosed with dengue. Also early that year when i learned to smoke and drink alcohol. After few days in the hospital, the doctor told my family that my body was no longer responding to medications and blood transfusions. My family had to accept the fact that i will soon die. I could not remember all that happened because most of the times i was unconscious but the face of my tatay crying in ICU is very clear to me. So as my nanay's prayer, and how she uttered every word while crying. Morning after the doctor told my family about my condition, i got up, ate taho and my platelets count started to return to normal. I was not yet a believer that time but i...