How I Make Worklife Easier
TGIF – Thank God it’s Friday! This is if you’re rest days fall on a weekend, haha! Mine does. But I praise God more for Mondays, PGIF yeah! I am always excited to go to work. Yes sometimes it’s stressful, there are times that I wanted my shift to just end, but still I praise God I have job. By the way, I work as a supervisor in one of the call center companies in Eastwood, Quezon City. And as we all know, this type of job in this industry is really, really exhausting for most. But there are lot of things though that make me enjoy and lessen worklife stress and hassle. Before leaving home, I see to it that my relationship with my family is okay – I don’t want to go to work with burden in my heart. So if there are misunderstandings, I see to it that they will be fixed before I step out of my house. That way, I can focus with my job rather than spending my time thinking of how my family feels while I am away. Time spent with my friends, yes, time well spent. I love going out ...