
Showing posts from November, 2017

Over the Past 24 Hours

Over the past 24 hours, I experienced humanity's ups and downs.... I am a witness of The Story in present times as it is related to the stories of creation and fall. When my mom had to dig the soil in order to get ginger for our meal; when we had to turn on all electric fans yesterday due to humid; when most of the fruits on our table were rotten; when astray cats and dogs fight over our leftovers; indeed, creation is cursed. Yet this morning, my mom needed not to water her plants because it rained; I love the weather, it's cold that I could rest; I ate fruits for breakfast and lunch which is good for my health; astray dogs and cats are playing like they're friends under the rain - I named them all and I can recite them; and indeed, the creation is beautiful still.... When I woke up this morning, I received a message from one of my subordinates telling me that she should be receiving a reward for being on top. I am on leave so I had to speak to my manager to find out ...

SIN is...

I like this, "command was an opportunity to trust God, obey God." We can't tell someone is obedient if there is no command to obey. How does this connect with "the Fall". Eve's decision to listen to the serpent and Adam's willful act of conniving with his wife separated the whole humanity to God. And separation from God is "death". The Fall clearly defines 'sin' as great chasm between God and humanity. At present times, sin is classified as to either small or big, either deadly or not. Sin is sin no matter what. Even simple idleness is sin. I wonder what Eve and Adam were doing and how come the serpent had his chance of speaking to them. They should be busy caring for the garden. However, I have no means of proving myself right that indeed they were idle that's why Satan had his foothold. But I strongly believe that we should make our time worthy of God's trust with the tasks He appointed us. That way, satan won't h...

More than a Care Taker --- I am a RULER!

How do I image God and obey His command by governing the world...? This question changed my perspective of me being God's care taker of His creation. I am more than a care taker! I am a ruler. There was a big difference. It may seem like a simple question, yet I find it hard to answer. It says in this Unit, " God’s rule is a rule of provision, protection, peace, joy, freedom and love. " That was huge. " Work is godly because it is god-like. " And I was puzzled --- working is ruling? And I realized, yes. God gave me my job, God asked me to take care of my job, and to care for God's provision is to rule. So let me summarize my answer on this. I would say that I image God and practice obedience by making sure that I am a good steward of His financial blessings, that I live out my salvation by the power of the Holy Spirit, that I am a peacemaker, that I will anchor my joy in Christ and Christ alone and not on temporal things, that I won't take adva...

Psalm 65

God is due our praise and worship - this is clear and indisputable. Yet, when David spoke about "vows", I had to pause in verse one and started thinking. "Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled." What vows have I made for God? Was I able to fulfill them? I also had to search the difference between 'vow' and 'swear'. " To swear is to make an oath - usually based on an appeal to God or to some revered person or object, that someone will do some particular thing -- like speak the truth, perform a particular act, keep a promise, etc. A vow is a solemn promise made to the Lord. It usually involves dedicating oneself or some possession to an act, service, or way of life. " - (source: ) And yes, I dedicated my time to Him, my job, my family, my future, basically my whole life, my earnings, I want to serve Him, I want to live for Him, I will serve His people through ministries, ...