Psalm 65
God is due our praise and worship - this is clear and indisputable. Yet, when David spoke about "vows", I had to pause in verse one and started thinking.
"Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled."
What vows have I made for God? Was I able to fulfill them?
I also had to search the difference between 'vow' and 'swear'.
"To swear is to make an oath - usually based on an appeal to God or to some revered person or object, that someone will do some particular thing -- like speak the truth, perform a particular act, keep a promise, etc. A vow is a solemn promise made to the Lord. It usually involves dedicating oneself or some possession to an act, service, or way of life." - (source:
And yes, I dedicated my time to Him, my job, my family, my future, basically my whole life, my earnings, I want to serve Him, I want to live for Him, I will serve His people through ministries, I want to give back my tithes to Him - I pretty much have a lot of vows made to the Lord.
Yet, I don't want to focus on these. I want to focus on God's faithfulness. How he enables me to fulfill the vows He had me make. In spite of my transgressions, in spite of my unwillingness. If not for His grace, I wouldn't be who I am, I wouldn't be where I am. All His work, 0% of me.
I am still overwhelmed of the fact that I was chosen even before the foundation of the earth. I have no contribution to His sovereign will to save me.
All people are actually recipients of His grace - whether followers of Jesus or not - He is a loving God indeed! The sun, the rain, the air that we breathe --- God's attribute of being gracious and immutable aren't only for believers. He takes care of everyone and I am in awe of His heart.
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