SIN is...

I like this, "command was an opportunity to trust God, obey God."

We can't tell someone is obedient if there is no command to obey.

How does this connect with "the Fall".

Eve's decision to listen to the serpent and Adam's willful act of conniving with his wife separated the whole humanity to God. And separation from God is "death". The Fall clearly defines 'sin' as great chasm between God and humanity.

At present times, sin is classified as to either small or big, either deadly or not.
Sin is sin no matter what.
Even simple idleness is sin. I wonder what Eve and Adam were doing and how come the serpent had his chance of speaking to them. They should be busy caring for the garden. However, I have no means of proving myself right that indeed they were idle that's why Satan had his foothold. But I strongly believe that we should make our time worthy of God's trust with the tasks He appointed us. That way, satan won't have his chance over us.

Sin is serious.
Sin would bring Jesus on the cross --- and God the Father knew it ever before the Fall.
Sin is inherited. There was the flood because of sin. Cain killed Abel because of sin. Something so beautiful had to die because of sin - animals year over year had to be sacrificed back then for sin atonement.

The world was perfect before the Fall.


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