
Showing posts from March, 2014

Thank You for the Freedom

I was listening to Regine Velasquez's songs , while reading Purpose Driven Life when I heard the music says, "I thank you for the freedom when it came my time to go." She revived the Leader of the Band. I repeated the song over and over. It made me cry. I remembered my mom. I was thinking how painful was it for her to let me go. How painful would it be for a mom to let her baby girl go. I am not a good daughter. "His gentle means of sculpting souls took me years to understand." Why did it take 27 years before I finally understood how blessed I am for having her as my mom. She, who only wants the best for me. Why did I disobey her? Now here I am, taking all the consequences of my disobedience. And I deserve this. I've caused my mom so much pain and heartaches. I know I deserve this. "My brothers' lives were different for they heard another call ... Living out this life I've chose..." I have 3 siblings, all of us are living the lives w...

Controlling Your Thoughts

Friday, March 14, 2014 Speaker: Pep Santos Subject: Mar 14 - Morning Light I, myself, is struggling with the way I think about things that are happening and the way I think about people around me. Controlling my thoughts is very hard for me, I am helpless and I really need God's guidance. I need God to touch my heart which, most of the times, brings negative thoughts to my mind. My heart really is deceitful.  With this in mind, lols, can't really share that much. But TL Pep taught us a lot about CONTROLLING OUR THOUGHTS. Am gonna share exactly what he told us as I don't want this very sensitive topic to be misunderstood. 1 Chronicles 29:17a. I know, my God, that You examine our hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there. Psalms 15:1-2. Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Where do thoughts come from?  - outsid...

I am Not an Accident

My learning from Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren --- What on earth am I here for? "You are not an accident." When I read this, I thought that it was a literal meaning. I initially told myself that I am really not an accident because my parents were eager to have a baby girl more than 27 years ago. I am a blessing to my parents --- this was my initial reaction. God knew that I will be born, my parents didn't but they wanted. "You are alive because God wanted to create you." It's becoming to be more and more clear. It's not because my parents wanted to have a baby girl, it is because God wanted to have ARBY for his purpose. Hmnnn... "He also determined the natural talents you would possess and the uniqueness of your personality... God left no detail to chance... Nothing in your life is arbitrary. It's all for a purpose... God never does anything accidentally, and he never makes mistakes. He has a reason for everything He ...

Pursue Excellence (Develop Your Character)

Friday, March 7, 2014 Speaker: Pep Santos Subject: Feb 21 - Morning Light "Character is what a man is in the dark." --- Dwight Mardy. "Character is the sum of his disposition, thoughts, desires, intentions, actions." ... "Character is not determined by isolated actions." ... "Character is based on general tendencies." What really is character and how do we define a person's character whether he has a good or bad one? We must look at the whole life, we shouldn't judge a person based on a single event. Kind David sinned but still was called "a man after God's heart". King Ahab, he acted nobly once, but he had a bad character. Excellence is not a single act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do (but ofcourse, God only has the power to change our character, and that's a different story). Choice influence character. So as character influence choice. Hmnn.... It is God's purpose to develop characte...

Yes, It All Starts with God

My learning from Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren --- What on earth am I here for? When our DGroup leader, Saraah, told us that we will cover Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, I got thrilled. Since highschool, I’ve always desired to have this book. I never bought one though, because I wanted someone to give it to me as a gift. I was so pathetic that when my bestfriend Ate Aicel was telling me that she could buy it for me, I asked her not to because I want it to be from someone who is clueless that I wished to have that book and that person’s intention for giving it to me is not because I asked for it. Now, what I’ll do is read each chapter with my colleagues, and share my learning to you. From the book title itself: PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. The word “purpose” is very broad for me. I am also clueless, what does God really want me to accomplish and why? Is He going to reveal His plan to me or not? Why am I here on this place, with these people, in this body and w...