Yes, It All Starts with God

My learning from Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren --- What on earth am I here for?

When our DGroup leader, Saraah, told us that we will cover Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, I got thrilled. Since highschool, I’ve always desired to have this book. I never bought one though, because I wanted someone to give it to me as a gift. I was so pathetic that when my bestfriend Ate Aicel was telling me that she could buy it for me, I asked her not to because I want it to be from someone who is clueless that I wished to have that book and that person’s intention for giving it to me is not because I asked for it.

Now, what I’ll do is read each chapter with my colleagues, and share my learning to you.

From the book title itself: PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. The word “purpose” is very broad for me. I am also clueless, what does God really want me to accomplish and why? Is He going to reveal His plan to me or not? Why am I here on this place, with these people, in this body and with my current situation? Lots of things, I really don’t understand.

“It ALL starts with God. “

“You were born by His purpose and for His purpose.” This I already know and this I believe, but why is it still blurred to me? Rick Warren answered my question with this, “FOCUSING ON OURSELVES WILL NEVER REVEAL OUR LIFE’S PURPOSE.” I may not be aware of it, but I guess I really am focused with myself, that’s why I can’t see God’s purpose. “You didn’t create yourself, so there is no way you can tell yourself what you were created for… Only the creator or the owner’s manual could reveal its purpose.” This really makes sense. I wasn’t made by me, so me not knowing why me is here is but normal.

“…life is about letting God use you for His purpose, not you using him for your own purpose.” At times when I pray, I was explaining to God why I wanted something to happen, without me realizing that God has His reason why I exist. What I want for myself may not be what God wants for me – that, I have to keep in mind. This is it. I want to become what God created me to be. I remember one of my favorite songs; it says there that if we don’t see His path, if we don’t understand His plan, TRUST HIS HEART. And another one, “…God has a plan for me, of this I’m sure, of this I’m sure!”

And yeah, Rick Warren, it’s really not about me.

Question to Consider: In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?
  •          When God says “no” to my prayers, I should always remember that it’s either He’s trying to teach me something or it may not be according to what He planned for me. I shouldn’t be disheartened and continue to live by faith.
  •          Pastor Manny said, “We can make our plans but only God directs our path.”


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