Why I Quit Call Center / BPO? (part 1)
(My call
center journey series…)
June 25,
2019 … I quit!
After 12 years of working in a call
center, finally... Yes, I am resigning. I just have to render for 30 days, then
it's over. Oh no, don't get me wrong. I love my job here. But I have my
Let me
tell you how it all started…
God gave
this to me. Yes. I remember more than 12 years ago, I was walking along
Ortigas, trying to find companies where I could submit my resumes to. I printed
more than ten resumes so I must be very careful in choosing to which company
should I submit them because I spent 5php per page for colored printing. We
didn’t have printer back then, no computer, we had typewriter though. Anyway,
so I was wearing a black blazer under the heat of the sun, which was very
uncomfy, yet, Nanay said that I should wear that to get a job.
Nanay… Yeah, Nanay.
I did not
trust "me". I didn’t think I could do it. Nanay believed in me. So I
prayed for God to give me that job. We were, I’d say, poor in terms of money. I didn’t have baon, I didn’t have cash to buy food, I was hungry,
and worst was, I was so thirsty. It’s been like that daily for over a week. Then
my friends told me to go to Hinduja (HGS). I didn’t know where that was, so I went
with my barkada and we applied together. Innocent, we didn’t know where
Hinduja is, so we ended up with the wrong company – Epixtar. And after weeks of
praying and really working hard to get a job, wasting money which we could have
spent on food, FINALLY! Epixtar hired me. Epixtar which became Amberbase – it wasn’t
a perfect company, but I cannot deny the fact that they did give chance to
newbies. They believed in my talent when I couldn’t even believe in myself. So
yes, people may say a lot of negative stuff against Epixtar but as for me, I am
full of gratitude for them.
here’s the thing. I told God that if He would give me a job, I won’t give up on
it. I wouldn’t quit. I would be loyal. And in fact, Epixtar didn’t hire me
right away. They offered for me to attend their one-week free call center
course and if I’d pass, they would take me in. I used to live in Sangandaan,
Caloocan City while Epixtar is in Eastwood QC. I asked Nanay if it was
okay, I always believe in Nanay’s wisdom. She said it was fine and she
strongly believed that I could do it.
Why did
it matter? Money.
Again, we
were poor and instead of buying food, Nanay had to borrow money for my
fare – without assurance of getting a job. As I am writing this blog, I can
still remember everything… Ahh yeah, it was tough. It really was. Some would
say, it’s just money – NO. I’m telling you NO. I’ve been there – indeed,
money isn’t everything. But be real, we need money, really.
Let’s go
back. So there, after a week of no tardiness, no absences and working really
hard, guess what. I studied and did stuff which I wasn’t comfortable – selling,
yet I passed. According to our instructor, she passed me because she saw my
effort, not because I was qualified. She was very honest with her comment. She said
I needed to be better. I took it as a very honest, genuine, loving advice. I needed
that. So, I started with the real training, worked harder than ever, passed and
got endorsed to the prod – real world (some called it “pressure cooker”)
They made me sell
credit cards for delinquent payers, with high APR and interest rates. The goal is to
hit the quota and quality. I’m telling you; I was crying almost every day. But I
couldn’t quit. I needed that job. I talked to my Team Leader and asked to be
transferred to Inbound, otherwise, I might leave – I just said that but I didn’t
mean it, lol!
I’m gonna have to end
it here. I’ll tell you more next time. I got to go! See you!
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