Day 11: I was full

Day 11: April 1, Sunday
Around 1am, the pain was intolerable. I remember my Dolfenal, I must take at least one tonight. The pain was not mitigated immediately, I just prayed that this would be the last night that I had to go through this. Funny. I never thought pain would be so over me - oh tonsillectomy, you really got me!

I set the alarm 4:30am, I needed to be in church by 8:30am. I didn't know what happened, but I just didn't hear the alarm. And yes, thank You Lord for the pain. It woke me up at 5:30am. I didn't want to be so reliant on drugs, yet I knew God created someone to make Dolfenal for me. Yes Lord, thank You for using human means to care for my health.

To this day, I ate a lot! I had mushroom soup and mashed potato for lunch, then I had bimsu at Hobing for snacks, and ate Goto Classic at Goodah for dinner. All these, my throat bore. Thank You, Jesus. Today is resurrection Sunday. Today is the start of healing, I must claim.

My friends Herald, Randy, Uwa and Chanot brought me home. We went to Harold's Lola's wake. They stayed until past 12am... It was a busy day, it was a pleasant day... I slept full... Hehehe.


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