Day 9: I woke up hungry...

Day 9: March 30, Friday

I woke up hungry.

I got up, went to the kitchen and sipped apple juice. Then I continued sleeping at the couch. I had to wake up at 8am to take my last pill of antibiotics.

Today, swallowing was a lot easier. Still painful though, let's say 4/10. My ears no longer hurt as much as it did a couple of days ago. Things were getting better. Praise God!

Nanay brought me 3 tablets of biogesic, I had not taken any as of 1pm. Scabs were starting to fall off, my tongue was still whitish, my braces missed my dentist...

It was 3pm when Nanay called us for a late lunch. I could smell my favorite lucky me pancit canton. Why o why?! It's soft, and not spicy, I could give it a shot.

I had to take a pain killer first. When I chew, the pain was getting into my ears and had gotten into my head. I ate still, haha! How can I say NO to pancit canton?! Of course, cold apple juice on the side to help me swallow. I finished one full glass of apple juice, and maybe five tablespoons of pancit - I used chopsticks to make sure I won't fill my mouth with so much that it would be too hard to pass through my throat.

That was it! Lunch, whew! My hands were shaking as I ate, too hard to tolerate this pain! I can't wait for this to be over. I was told 1 week, hmnn today is over a week already. I searched, it says 2-3 weeks. Oh owwkhaaay! Patience patience... and discipline...

I am about to end this, now it's 9:45PM. I brought a glass of water here in my room, in case I wake up in the middle of the night again with a dry throat. I am capable of focusing now on my studies. I'm sure tomorrow, I will feel better than now.

I thank the Lord for letting me go through this. I have learned that I am not a superwoman.

So in my case guys, DAY 9 I would say is the start of healing... Yours may be faster, so don't get disheartened. Remember that I worked on Monday, and had so many activities on Tuesday, which could be the reason why it took more than a week before it healed. My bad.

Good night.


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