Day 7: So far so good...

Day 7 - Wednesday, March 28
The pain was 6/10. Much better than yesterday. I took biogesic. I had a stomachache, because of my antibiotic maybe. I sipped apple juice for breakfast. I tried not to take meds to see if it got better. Hmnn so far so good until 1:30pm.
My brother dropped by with ice cream - ehem coffee crumble... I just couldn't say NO to that... I ate ice cream, I got rid of the nuts and chocolate sprinkles. I also ate a few teaspoons of leche flan. I had apple juice again, and my sister cooked champurado, I had maybe 5-6 tablespoon. That was enough to sustain me for the rest of the day. I had to eat again before taking my antibiotic at 8pm. The pain was ranging from 5-8 this day. I knew it was healing.

Before 8pm, I had 3 tablespoons of champurado again, sipped apple juice and drank half glass of water. Then I took my antibiotic. I planned of not going to work this week. Health is more important than money. I would rest.

As I was writing this blog, it's now 10:26pm. Pain is 1/10. Praise the Lord. I am about to sleep.


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