
Showing posts from August, 2016

An Act of Integrity

This has been our favorite place for dgroup meetings. It's just a perfect place reserved by God for Bible study and fellowship. My pretty ladies can attest to that...! So as my christian friends... Just want to share a short story of an act of integrity by their staffs last night. As usual, together with my friends i went there for my favorite caramel frappe. That was around 5:30pm. We had to head back to CCF Eastwood for a short meeting, and decided to have dinner after in Mazza. When I was about to pay, that was past 8pm, only then when i found out that my coin purse was missing. I left my wallet at home so in my purse were all the money i have. Not to mention how much, and i don't think that matters, too. I prayed then i grabbed my phone and i was about to message my family of what happened (we have fb chatroom) so they can either pick me up or have me picked up via grabcar/uber. Then I saw a message request in messenger.    And so i told Van about ...