
Showing posts from June, 2016


Of all the books I’ve loved before, as of today this one’s my favorite next to my Bible. Why is there a man and he’s not mine? This was my question, too, February 28, 2014. Thank you to Orpah Omega Lee C. Marasigan who inspired me, really, to write again. I, too, am single and am on my nearly thirties by now. It’s funny Orpah, because you wrote the preface on your book on February 2012, and I got my book on February 2014. I should have started writing February 2016, but no. Today is June 28, 2016. 

God the Son

Topic: God the Son Speaker: Josh Date: June 25, 2016 by:  +Iya Bulos   The series of the Tri-Unity reflection continues as I am privileged to testify how my faith strongly believes that Jesus is God, The Almighty God. There has been a lot of misconceptions regarding the Lord Jesus Christ's persona. Some people say that He is just an Angel sent by God above to preach and heal the sick. Some thinks Jesus Christ is a Ghost that died and has a risen soul. Others believe that Jesus is a Prophet. Before I have accepted that He is the reason of my salvation, I myself had a foolish misconception that Jesus as the Son of God - only seconds God Almighty (The Creator) concerning all the powers in the universe. There is a hierarchal boundary between God and Jesus' ability in terms of reigning the world and eternal life. This belief of mine about Jesus is totally wrong! It was true that my perspective about Jesus Christ before is extremely shameful! Only when I came to...

He's a Good Good Father

Topic: God the Father Speaker: Herald Canlas Date: June 18, 2016 Tri-unity seems to be a very sensitive topic. I am afraid to give a wrong perspective of what it means. Let me just share with you this picture below, and I will allow the Holy Spirit to provide you with wisdom. Okay so before we lose our mind, how about we first discover who God the Father is? God the Father, the first Person of the Trinity, orders and disposes all things according to His own purpose (1 Corinthians 8:6). He is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, rich in love, and good to all He has made (Psalm 145:8-9). He is the Creator of all things (Genesis 1:1-31; Ephesians 3:9). As the only absolute and omnipotent Ruler in the universe, He is sovereign in creation, providence, and redemption (Psalm 103:19; Romans 11:36). His fatherhood involves both His designation within the Trinity and His relationship with mankind. God the Father, who has all the authority in heaven and on earth, also ...