X-MEN: Days of Future Past
Who among these mutants inspired you? Such question never even entered my mind until I see this post.
Cool question, isn't it? My first choice was Magneto. He has gone through a lot, which hardened his heart. Yes he is not one of the "good guys", yet I always believe in 2nd, 3rd or 4th chances. Lols, we're getting deep huh!
I just think that his power is awesome. As simple as that. Maybe I don't think like boys do, so I asked my boyfriend, he gave me a very serious answer, as if it's a wish that may come true.
With no second thought, he straightly said that he wants to be Wolverine. Okay, that's a bit odd. I am Magneto, he's Wolverine --- no wonder we fought a lot of times. Just kidding.
He gave me manly reasons. And when I say manly, I didn't mean "manly", I mean reasons coming from a man. Here's what he said:
"Wolverine is kinda like Kratos of god of war, he's a bit of a anti-hero. He care less about what others would say - whether people like him or not. No hiding. He shows who he really is. He just does thing because he has to. He doesn't have that goal like other mutants do. He even doesn't rely on his projectile alone, he has the 'skill'. When he does something, he does it with a heart, that he's even willing to give up his life. He unpredictable, unlike others. He always does surprising things. He's just unique."
I wonder if my boyfriend sees me that deep as he sees Wolverine, hahaha! But he made appreciate Wolverine more. Nice one.
I can't wait to see this movie! And this trailer really excites me more...
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