My Tonsillectomy Journey
I don't know much about medical stuff, I took up BS ECE in college, and I am currently working as a supervisor in a BPO company. So pardon my innocence in this blog. I'm writing this for the sake of those who will and who are going through the healing process after a tonsillectomy. Hope this helps! I was scheduled to undergo tonsillectomy 10am of March 22nd. According to the doctors I consulted, having tonsillitis of more than twice a year isn’t normal - mine used to be more than twice a MONTH . Also, year after year of my APE in my workplace, I had been told that my tonsils were bigger than normal, which may be the reason why I was snoring and had difficulty in breathing most of the time. Of course, they talked to me in jargon. Don't worry, I would talk in a way easy for someone like me who isn’t good with medical terms understand it better. I had my flexible endoscopy on March 20, Tuesday. A friend, Lian, was with me. It was in Borough just ne...
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