Doubtful Heart

Friday, February 14, 2014
Speaker: Emmanuel Manansala
Subject: Feb 14
- Morning Light

Today is a very special day --- it is Morning Light's 1st year anniversary. What a nice Friday, today is also Valentine's day. And AUX Team's Valentine's date, wanna guess? We dated Jesus, or Jesus dated us rather. And this is our perfect date ever!

For the past few weeks, Pastor Manny, so as TL Pep have been discussing about characters --- our characters. And I believe that we all have struggles changing our negative traits, don't we? It is true that when we were young, our parents did their best to teach us what is RIGHT and not what is wrong because sin comes out naturally from us --- we were born sinners. If that is the case, how can we be victorious on this?

We cannot change our character if we don't have a change of heart. Three things peeps, three things...
1. CHECK your heart
2. FIX your heart
3. PROTECT your heart

Let's meditate on one of my most favorite Bible verses: The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? - Jeremiah 17:9. 

Our hearts, yours and mine, are deceitful. And the heart is not just deceitful, IT IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS and BEYOND CURE. That is why we ALWAYS need to CHECK our hearts - ALWAYS. What our hearts desire may not be God's desire. 

And then what do we do after checkup? The doctor will suggest medicine for cure. And it is up to me and you if we're gonna take what our doctors recommend. God knows our hearts' condition and only God can heal our sick hearts.

Sick people need a doctor. If you think you're healthy and you can take care of yourself, why would you go to a hospital for checkup? Why would you need a medicine? You won't even care to take vitamins cuz you are confident that you are physically fit and you rely on your body's strength. Same goes with our spiritual health. Jesus said on Luke 5: 31-32. "It is not those who are well who need a physician (doctor), but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.

Pastor Manny's told us a short story on how he taught his child to swim. He would ask his child, "Jump, I will catch you. Trust me." Then his child would jump without hesitation and would try to swim. Here's the latter part of it that I really love. When his child knew he was going to drown, instead of swimming towards Pastor Manny, he would try his best to return back to the poolside. (Today his baby knows how to swim, and fully trusted Pastor Manny - happy ending, lols!).

Same with our doubtful hearts. We believe that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour but why is it that when we are being tested, instead of swimming towards God, we return back to sin? Why is it that when we have little problems, instead of praying to God, we choose to rely on our friends, parents, jobs, selves? What a little faith we have. 

Our hearts are sick and we need Jesus.

Jesus is my healer, physically and spiritually. 


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