It isn’t you, It's God

Friday, November 22, 2013
Speaker: Pep Santos III
Subject: Nov 22 - Morning Light

It isn’t you, It's God.

We, from BPO industry, whether we work as a manager, trainer, QA, supervisor or an agent --- who employed us in our position?

Some of us might say that we selected this, and that we deserve our promotion, and the company where we belong was our choice. But some would say that we're here because of our friends, or there's a better proposal, or our bosses assigned us on this site that we're not given an option though it's far from where we live.

Though we think this way, the truth is, God has a reason why we are placed where we are right now. Even our schedules, God just uses our workforce/FA, but God plots our RD and God approves our VLs.

Take time to read the book of Esther. Out of all the beautiful, young women, King Xerxes chose Esther to be her queen. Everything that happened in the palace was designed by God. From the moment that the guards intended to assassinate the king, which was found out by Mordecai, Esther's uncle. Mordecai, the Jew, proved his loyalty to King Xerxes by revealing the guards' plan to kill him.

Until some time, King Xerxes appointed Hamman, making him the most powerful official in the empire. As Mordecai refused to bow down his head for Hamman, the latter, out of too much pride and anger, issued a law --- that ALL Jews must be slaughtered.

Esther, though she's already a queen, was still frightened to talk to the king regarding her uncle and other Jews' situation. Mordecai told her, "If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows, perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14)

Esther then decided to approach King Xerxes. After she told him of her petition to spare the lives of all Jews, in just a snap, everything turned upside down --- King Xerxes honored Mordecai for his loyalty, he gave order to kill Hamman, all the latter's power and properties were given to Mordecai, and Mordecai proclaimed a law against Hamman's, that Jews were able to defend themselves against those who tried to kill them.

God has His purpose why we are laid in our situation. If we disregard our calling, God will pick up someone else. Just like Esther, if she kept her silence and did nothing, God will appoint someone else to save the Jews. But isn't it wonderful to be part of God's plan and be used for his glory? Don't we want to gratify God and be His instrument?

We are not the one who picks our jobs, or the company/campaign where we are, who our peers or bosses will be. God plans everything for us. God has a plan for you and HE WANTS TO USE  YOU!


  1. Your article was very inspiring, thank you for sharing!

    Martina |


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