
Showing posts from December, 2013

Birthday Gift for Beging

Do you guys remember Beging? She’s my sister. She is currently studying in ICCT College. I and Beging are best of friends. We share problems, secrets and we were partners in crime (that was before we became Christians; now we go to church together regularly).   I love the fact that she listens to me and she listens to God’s word every Sunday. Most of the things that I was telling my sister are indeed hard to accept, but she tries her very best. “Hupotasso” is one of the hardest lessons for her, I guess, because it’s very hard for me too --- yet we’re both trying our best.   Moving on, before Christmas, I kept praying for God to give me the ability to buy Beging a router. She needs it for her study. In fact, that prayer is written in my prayer notebook multiple times.    Jesus really is a faithful God and He will never leave me hanging with no answer. I was not worried when I pray for something lately. I cling to God'...

CHRISTmas Gift for Nanay

I prayed and God answered, "LATER." I love surprises and therefore, i love to surprise people. My favorite is Nanay because she's very easy to please. It's either I'll send a good news, or I'll throw a party and invite her friends, or buy her something she really wants to have but she won't buy because she is selfless and never thought of herself --- she always thinks of her children first. How can I forget her fave line, "kahit panty hindi ako makabili..." She used to tell us whenever she has sama ng loob. Nanay has been a perfect mom, ever since. Oh yeah, you might say that there's no such thing as perfect. It depends, on how you define perfect. As far as being "nanay to me" is concern, I could confidently say that she is. Let's not talk about the past, let's make this short and simple. Nanay wanted to have a BIG refrigerator, which I can afford IF my sister is not studying, or I...

Morning Light's 1st Ever CHRISTmas Party

Morning Light 1 st  Ever CHRISTmas Party Date: December 20, 2013 ( 09:15 AM ) This is going to be our first CHRISTmas party ever, and I’m soooo excited. I remember TL Pep told me, “Whenever it's possible, always spell out Christmas completely, because it's all about Christ!” Last week’s message was regarding celebrating Christmas the way it should be celebrated, and the reason why we really have CHRISTmas is because our savior was born --- so why should we remove CHRIST from it? Makes sense, I shared TL Pep’s advice to my friends. Pastor Manny led us. He requested us to bring food good for everyone. We, from Convergys and those residing in Manggahan Rd decided to bring Pancit, Lumpiang Shanghai and Siomai. Randy is our cook, as always. I and Randy thought of having exchange gift. Since it’s a very very late notice, we’re not expecting everyone to bring their gifts. It’s only worth 100PHP. We’re planning to have “agawan gift” --- TL Pep’s idea, lols. Convergys g...

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

Friday, December 13, 2013 Speaker: Pastor Manny Subject: Dec 13 - Morning Light How do Filipinos celebrate Christmas? Lightly or stressful? It's the latter, for most, I guess. It could be because sometimes we forget the main reason why we celebrate Christmas. Traffic everywhere, no love-life, expenses, busyness ruin the excitement of this day, the burden of giving gifts, stress takes away the spirit of Christmas .  We should celebrate Christmas the way it should be celebrated --- by knowing why we celebrate, and why is it a time for celebration. Take time to read Luke 2: 1-20. Why do we celebrate? We should celebrate because of the good news . We should celebrate because the good news brings great joy We should celebrate because the good news is for all people .   Why is Christmas a time for celebration? It's for everybody It's a time for salvation It's a time for reconciliation On earth, we also receive good news, but their worth is ...

Our Purpose in Life

Friday, December 5, 2013 Speaker: Pep Santos Subject: Dec 5 - Morning Light Have you ever questioned yourself, why were you studying in elementary? Or let's say in high school? What course did you take and why? On earth, we study to get a profession, to earn cash, and then what's next? We die. This world teaches us to prepare for the future and be self-dependent. This world imparts us to work for money so we can buy our needs. These are the things that people desires --- HAPPINESS, SIGNIFICANCE, and SECURITY. And YES, money can buy you all these things. Yet, let us compare what the world can offer and what God can give. NEEDS EARTHLY example GODLY example HAPPINESS wont last, fleeting, temporary / time-based buying the newest model of iPhone can make us happy, but as time passed by, that cellphone becomes normal to us, the excitement is gone, so as the happiness, we even think of buying the newer model permanent ...